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A Cooperative Service Provided by the Public Libraries In Jefferson County, Alabama.

Confidentiality — It’s the Law
Library Patron Confidentiality Act

All library patron information is confidential. Employees must, therefore, treat all patron matters accordingly as stated by the Privacy Act (Code of Alabama 41-8-10). No patron information, including home address, phone number, and materials checked out, may be revealed to anyone, except by the patron him or herself, with proper identification.

The content of patron records may not be disclosed to anyone except under subpoena. Employees will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, for improperly revealing information of a confidential nature. 

The Code of Alabama 1975

Section 41-8-10

Registration, etc., records of public libraries to be confidential; right of parents to inspect records.

It is recognized that public library use by an individual should be of confidential nature. Any other provision of general, special or local law, rule or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, the registration and circulation records and information concerning the use of the public, public school, college and university libraries of this state shall be confidential. Registration and circulation records shall not be open for inspection by, or otherwise available to, any agency or individual except for the following entities: (a) the library which manages the records; (b) the state education department for a library under its jurisdiction when it is necessary to assure the proper operation of such library; or (c) the state Public Library Service for a library under its jurisdiction when it is necessary to assure the proper operations of such library. Aggregate statistics shown from registration and circulation records, with all personal identification removed, may be released or used by a library for research and planning purposes. Provided however, any parent of a minor child shall have the right to inspect the registration and circulation records of any school or public library that pertain to his or her child.

(Acts 1983, No. 83-565, p. 866, §2.)

History of Checked Out Items

United States Patriot Act and Libraries

All contents copyright ©1995- Jefferson County Library Cooperative 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 All rights reserved.