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Can I register for a library card online?

Jefferson County, Alabama residents can sign up for a temporary (one month) Jefferson County Library eCard via the web.

What is an eCard?

JCLC eCards are virtual one-month library cards that allow users immediate access to some of JCLC's electronic resources, including magazine databases. eCard users who wish to check out library materials will be asked to upgrade to a full-use library card.

Who is eligible for an eCard?

Anyone who lives in Jefferson County, Alabama may register for an eCard.

What can I do with my eCard?

An eCard gives you immediate access to the following:

What can't I do with my eCard?

You will be asked to upgrade to a full-use library card in order to do any of the following:

  • Check out items from any of the 40 Jefferson County public libraries
  • Access the Internet from any library public access computer (can be access with limited-use cards)

How do I get an eCard?

Go to https://vulcan.bham.lib.al.us/selfreg and fill out the form.

How do I upgrade to a full-use library card?

Bring a picture identification and proof of your current address in the form of postmarked mail, preferably a bill, to any JCLC location to upgrade your card. If you live in the state of Alabama and outside of Jefferson County, you may receive a full-use card for an annual fee of $50.00.

Staff will not be able to upgrade your eCard to a full-use card without proper identification.

Do I have to upgrade to a full-use card?

Yes. eCards expire in one month. Full-Use Library Cards allow you to check out material from any public library in Jefferson County, Alabama. Also, you can download ebooks and audiobooks.


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